Object life cycle

We watched a 30 minute video in this week’s lecture.

Objectified by Gary Hustwit (part 1)

Objectified – Trailer – YouTube

I made the following notes:

The (commercial) life cycle of an object from the point of view of a company:

4 Ways To Lengthen Your Product’s Life Cycle (remesh.ai)


This first life cycle stage (product development) encompasses everything leading up to the product’s launch, from ideation to building and refining the product. This phase is characterized by rigorous research and development and, depending on the product, can last for years.


The introduction stage is all about building brand awareness through various marketing efforts and advertising, perhaps like a concentration on distribution channels or reception. The design will play an
important role here. Visual details such as a unique colour palette tied to the brand’s emotions or tailored fonts aid in brand recognition and recall. This recall is critical in creating the initial buzz for a brand. Products that don’t generate enough buzz or drum up strong enthusiasm risk failing in the market. 


Depending on its success after entering the market, your product may now be in the much-anticipated growth stage. Products in this stage have met the market need and have been well received by customers. As sales and profits increase, companies can invest more resources into building brand awareness and increasing market share.


In the maturity stage, company goals shift from building market share to maintaining it – although the previous stage is known as the growth phase, that does not mean a product stops growing when it reaches the maturity phase.


In the fifth and final stage of the product life cycle (the decline phase), revenue decreases as a result of increased competition, innovation, and changes in consumer behavior. Unlike revenue decreases in down cycles, which are a result of seasonal factors, revenue in the decline stage is a function of decreasing market share. At this stage, companies may consider rebranding the product for a different use, “harvesting the product”, or terminating production altogether. It may be wise to revisit successes in the maturity phase and attempt to extend that portion of the product life cycle as long as possible.

Our lecturer Luisa, gave us each an object to write about. This was the object I was given. I took 2 photos of the object, one to flatter the object and show off its strengths(pros), and the other to show its weaknesses (cons).

In this photo, the object is posed to look strong and we can see the bulk of the shape.
In this photo, I wanted to show the thin quality of the plastic.

We were asked to write about the object in response to the object life cycle. I needed to do guess work for this exercise. I knew that the part belonged to a bike and a google search of the company told me a little bit about the company. I could compare this object to my own that is a metal version of the same thing. (a fixture to attach a D-lock to a bike).

Mythologies by Roland Barthes

Mythologies is a 1957 book by Roland Barthes. It is a collection of essays taken from Les Lettres nouvelles, examining the tendency of contemporary social value systems to create modern myths.’

I read an annotated 2 essays from the book:

Objects- Creation & destruction of value

Object: zine (Extended project)

When creating my final zine, I will be bringing a new meaning to my found object. I will create a story/interpretation to this rejected object.

Putting something in a museum preserves it for the future generations and society.

The Guatelli Museum in Ozzano Taro, Parma

Museo Ettore Guatelli – Collecchio, Parma | Inexhibit

‘The museum was founded by a school teacher, Ettore Guatelli, who, throughout his entire life, collected over 60,000 objects. Agricultural tools, tin boxes, glass bottles, clocks, dresses, ceramics, and many more artifacts and everyday objects, are arranged on the building walls, staircases, even on ceilings. They were carefully arranged to create geometrical compositions and spirals which seem artistic installations that narrate the history of the relationship between men and objects.’

Creating patterns from the objects means that you are creating something new.

Everyone is able to make a museum with beautiful things, the more difficult it is to create a beautiful one with humble things like mine

Ettore Guatelli

Karel Martens

Martens is a Dutch graphic designer, making prints from found objects. He takes advantage of the flat edges on the objects. Covering them in ink and then making prints from them. He uses metal objects to print with because he can then use a magnet to lift the objects off the paper or whatever surface he is working with.

He wants to represent how we react to an object and not an obsession on the object.

Book by Karel Martens, Re-Printed Matter:

The world as a printing surface, Essay by Paul Elliman:

Found font by Paul Elliman. He uses objects, made into the alphabet. In this way he makes objects into a language. This is another way to give a new story to an object.

Paul Elliman, (507) Pinterest
Letter Man: Paul Elliman’s Found Fount Comes to MoMA – PRINT Magazine

What Objects Mean by Arthur Asa Berger


Reasons for consuming objects, other than functionality:

Ball Wall Clock

Ball wall clock by George Nelson at The Design Museum in London

My chosen object from the museum’s Designer Maker User collection is the Ball wall clock. I chose it based on my initial feeling towards it, (delight, surprise, impressed), and the conflict with what I disliked about it. (functionality).

I wrote about the object in a stream of consciousness style:

Ball Wall Clock, 1947 designed by George Nelson manufactured by Vitra

The clock is on a white wall, surrounded by other elements of time. Watches, digital clocks, Filofaxs and other instruments to mark the time. Amongst these objects the clock stands out. At the highest point of the wall in the corner, somehow alone because it doesn’t blend in, because it is different, it is unique.

The shape is what first strikes you. It’s a clock but not in the way I’ve seen a clock before. The colours are fun, the shapes are unexpected. I immediately liked it, I was immediately impressed by it but I think I would be frustrated if I needed to use it to tell the time. My preferred method to tell the time is to ask Alexa because I get an immediate response. I hear a voice telling me without me needing to look at anything and interpret a number or code. For me, it feels like figuring out a puzzle, which seems long and unnecessary.

I’m aware that we all see things differently, experience life differently. Our abilities vary. Telling the time must vary as well. A digital 24-hour clock is another favourite of mine that I’ve got used to from using it repetitively. It’s reliable and if it’s connected to the Internet, even better because I don’t need to change batteries and I don’t need to question if the time is right because I know it’s right. I used to have a watch when I was 7, it had dolphins on it. I liked it because the strap was denim, I felt like that was quite different. It was round and this clock at the museum also follows the traditional design of being round, but it’s rounder than round because of the ball shapes. Circles are round and a globe is completely round, spherical and that’s what this clock has.

It relies on an understanding, as many clocks do, that the viewer will know what each mark stands for. I don’t like this it’s too clever it’s almost pretentious.

You say quarter to nine. These are words. They also represent numbers, the numbers look like something and they symbolise something. To add shape and position to the equation is a further complication I can’t see necessary. These clocks remind me of going back to the times with sundials. You don’t need those any more. Of course, when this clock came out, they didn’t have digital. Digital anything. Life was different then, but they still had beautiful things. I know that by looking at this piece. This object that I saw amongst lots of other objects. It doesn’t have just one association to me and it doesn’t have just one use. To look interesting is one use (that’s why I like it). To tell the time is another use and that is something it doesn’t do any more because it’s in the museum. You can buy these clocks at John Lewis. Obviously they are not original, but near enough. I believe they are even made from the same materials. Where would you hang a clock like this? As well as being bold it is quite big. It makes a statement.

It was difficult to take a photo of the clock, because it was too high up on the wall. In fact there was nothing above it but the ceiling. What I find really interesting, which I didn’t notice at first, is that the colours are random. This clock doesn’t want to indicate numbers at all. It doesn’t want to make it easy for us to tell the time by having a different coloured balls to represent each number. Though this could be an advantage in some ways. If you have had this clock for a while, you could get used to the fact that 3 is green, 11 is green, so a quick glance at the clock might mean that you are eventually taking notice of the colours and the associations might actually help.

The centre of the clock being white means that against the white wall, the middle seems to disappear and many walls do happen to be white. The average wall.

The shadows created give us a second ring of circles.

I didn’t notice the clock in my first walk around the museum because it was so high up. It wasn’t until my second walk around that I spotted it and it surprised me. Wouldn’t it surprise you?

I then used the pointers I wrote to prompt me when reflecting on the object. I searched the internet to find out a bit about the clock. This helped me to get a fuller picture of the object.

I prepared 2 slides for this week’s lecture. I included a full picture of the clock, the clock in context on the wall and a close-up photo of the clock that I found on the internet. I could not take a close-up photo of the clock due to its placement in the exhibition.

Slide 1
Slide 2

In this week’s lecture we had the opportunity to speak about our chosen object. I was surprised to see that only 2 people had chosen the same object.

We were prompted to consider where our object was placed within the exhibition and what effect this had.

The class shared that the exhibition was separated into 3 categories: Designer, Maker and User. I had to admit that I did not notice this when visiting the exhibition. I noticed the different areas divided by partitions but did not make any connection to designer maker or user in these areas. I did not feel I could read the plaques of information because of time restrictions. I looked again at the plan of the floor and realised that I had entered the exhibition from the ‘finish’ point:

This means my object belongs to the ‘Maker’ section.


(Designer Maker User wall designed by Studio Myerscough.)

Talking about my object

When introducing my object to the class, I spoke about:

  • The clock is not user friendly if people cannot read it.
  • The clock is most likely made for the home since it is aesthetically pleasing/fun but not the most functional.
  • The design resembles atoms. It was made in 1947, shortly before the space age. In 1946, the first photos were taken from space.
  • His other clocks are spikey/star-like which also tie in with this theme.
Image of an atom.
e835b00c2ef7093ecd0b470de7444e90fe76e6d019b0134296f7c2_640_atom-640×437.jpg (640×437) (gulpmatrix.com)

The Presentation

I want to approach my presentation as if I am introducing my object to the class for the first time, and as if they had not seen the exhibition for themselves.

Including my image of the clock in context is important because it places the viewer in my shoes. They then have the chance to see the object in the way I first saw it on the wall, which is part of my experience of perceiving the object. I can talk about the effect of seeing the clock amongst other time keeping objects.

I can start the presentation with a photo of the museum and then include photos of entering the building and the exhibition. This also adds context when presenting the clock. If I then zoom further into the object, I can start to talk about the materials used.

The idea is to build up layers of information. Talking about the history of the object is one layer. I want to bring out pieces of information that the audience would not be already aware of.

Production of ball wall clock

This video shows how the ball wall clock is made by hand. The video was posted this year, (2021) therefore we can assume the clocks are still made this way. The fact they are handmade would make them more valuable. They are currently being sold for £269.

See how the George Nelson Wall Clock Collection is made for Vitra – YouTube

The clocks are now sold in different colours from plain wood to orange, red, yellow and black. The black ball wall clock was released in 2008, 22 years after George Nelson’s death. It might have more appeal to a modern audience because the bright colours can be seen as quirky or even childish as one classmate commented. The black version of the clock captures the iconic shape but adds a contemporary twist that makes it look more elegant and appropriate for corporate settings perhaps.

Buy the Vitra Ball Wall Clock at nest.co.uk