Fallen Angel
After a busy few months, I finally had the opportunity to relax. Something I found relaxing at the start of the pandemic was drawing and particularly the evening life drawing sessions run by All The Young Nudes.
Last night we were treated with the festive ‘fallen angel’ to draw, alongside a Christmas themed playlist. I first needed the warm-up poses to get the feel for drawing back:
fine liner pen blue felt pen fine liner pen
In an ‘atyn’ session, I like to grab all the drawing materials I can carry and a range of paper sizes. This might be because I get bored with the same size and pencil. But I would also say some poses inspire a softer or bolder material.
I don’t aim for perfection, but for something fun and energetic.

blue watercolour pencil, A5

The 2 pencil drawings below were actually my favourite from the session, despite the fact that I wouldn’t normally go for a pencil. I think I will next time.